I am Racheil
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m a working Mom, a Veteran, and a Notary.
10 years ago, my daughter gave birth to a sweet, little boy and I got to experience the joy of being a Nana. Little did I know that a short 4-years later, I would be raising that little one. Life is not perfect, and neither are we, and my daughter had some life experiences. My little guy was put into the foster care system and I became his licensed Foster Mom. I’ve since adopted him so now he is my sweet boy and he is doing great! (Same goes for my daughter. Her past is in the past.)
During that time period, things were rough both emotionally and financially. I can say, first-hand, I know what it’s like being a grandparent, on one budget, looking forward to retiring to getting a whole new set of financial worries when I unexpectedly started raising my grandchild. Daycare, diapers, school activities – those costs add up. I knew there had to be a way to make a little bit of extra income, to help out with those extra costs, without impacting my time with my little guy. Something I could do at night after he had gone to bed.
I started researching online and noticed a few different people on social media posting about their results. While I was skeptical, I decide to take a chance on one program and I am so glad I did! This program is changing my life. The beauty of this program is that it is teaching me, step-by-step, the basics of how to ACTUALLY create a business from start-to-finish. It plugged in the holes left from other programs I've tried in the past.
It does take effort, on your part, and it is NOT a get rich quick scheme, but with effort, you can be up and running in a few weeks. Best part, it does come with Master Resell Rights so you can quickly recoup the amount paid. Also, any sales after your first, are all pure profits!
I’m at that point now, where I am looking forward to quitting the 9-to-5 lifestyle and focusing on working for myself from home. I have a goal to help other grandparents / parents / single parents, find a financial vehicle that can help them create a business for themselves. Something that will allow them to make what they need to help with their situation.
If you are interested in learning more about the program that is changing MY life, please reach and see if this might be a fit for you!
Looking forward to talking with you!
Racheil xoxo
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